I spent a very productive last week writing, submitting artwork/writing to magazines as well as making contacts with new musicians. Some of my photographs and writing will be featured in online magazines Mosaic Minds and Empowerment 4 Women in Feb/March so be sure to check them out.
I made my first handmade card on the weekend and will be making my first recycled paper this week to add to future cards. I am hoping to add my photography and poetry to handmade gifts. I am also going to be taking a bookbinding workshop in a few weeks so I can put together my poetry/artbook "Hope Grows" all by myself with my own hands. I am sure it will be a very satisfying feeling once completed.
As you can see, the lovely Pamela has added some stuff to my website and there will be loads more in the coming month including photography available in the store.
Today is a lazy day, after the busy weekend.
This week I am looking into getting myself a decent electric piano to work on some new and old songs as well as something to record everything with as a lot of my belongings are still in Australia. I have been very lazy with the guitar practise but on the weekend I did have a bit of a break through on an old song that myself and others have had trouble playing over the years and somehow it just clicked and now I know how to do it. Sounds a bit silly doesn't it, since I write the songs but I am not the greatest at playing them the best they can be, with the best technique without mistakes but I will get there.
Pulled out some old self portait & other photos I forgot I took last year and will be adding them to the site as well soon.
Current Music: Manzanita by Mia Doi Todd
Current Food: GoLean Crunch with Almond Breeze
Current Obsession: making handmade cards, poetry & fresh pineapple