We finished the tour in true style up on stage with many wonderful musicians in the Gospel workshop on Sun at Waynefest.
I was lucky enough to play Reins and have everyone on it, and the rain had finally stopped!Brock did a great job organising everything and I especially loved the pancake breakfast! I am surprised I made it out of bed on Sun after the carry on of Saturday night, I know that I got all emotional at some point in the Last Chance Saloon and wandered back to the mainstage for some reason that is still unknown to me! A well known musician informed me that he knew I was attracted to him and I tried to convince him otherwise but he just wouldn't believe me. Keep in mind people this was the first time I had ever laid eyes on him and didn't know him from a bar of soap!!! haha. Jonny Nordstrom was kind enough to escort me back to the Last Chance Saloon at some point after this so bears or musicians wouldn't get me, LMFAO!
Also we slept in a tent that night, do you believe it? I woke up cold and had to get very close to Dana, hoping she wouldn't take it the wrong way :) On Sunday arvo after the festival, Emily, Dana, Kris and I watched Agassi get slammed in the US open at the Last Chance Saloon but my tummy was hurting a little so I wasn't a lot of fun. However later on I was more fun and we ate Indian, though I was a little drunk by then and couldn't eat much and there was bollywood music and songs made up about c**k blockers by Dana on Kris's guitar. Phew what a weekend!!!
Late sun night we said goodbye to tipsy Emily, put her in a cab and sent her to Calgary airport on her way back to London :( :( :(
Then Kris drove me to the airport on Mon morning and I had to say goodbye to Dana :(
Well it's over for now. But you shall see Emily, Dana, Emaline and Tyler (making special appearances) together again at a festival, pub, art gallery or back garden near you in the future soon!
Bye for now :)
Current Mood: tired
Current Music: Robbie Williams - Tripping

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