Figure I might as well as write as much as I can now before the tour starts, god knows when I will get myself to a computer to write something in here then.
All the shows for the tour are booked and things are going splendidly.
We are playing a couple of shows in Holland and Germany, stopping over in Brussells
which I am very excited about and then Eurotunnelling it back to the Uk via Calais.
Good shopping there I hear!?!
Today I have been very crap and only ate blueberry pie for breakfast and lunch.
Yesterday Lynda and I went on a nice roadtrip to Stratford and St Mary's in Ontario.
We went to a farm where they sold crazy jams and pies and then spent 45 mins in a tea shop would you believe? I am loaded up with exotic teas for the tour and blue plum and raspberry chocolate jam, mmm. There was snow and a lovely early morning breakfast at Let Them Eat Cake in Stratford with a sweet waitress. I took some photos and ate samples as it was tax free day in downtown St Mary's. We listened to Sunset by Kate Bush
about 3 times in a row in the car. Of course it was only a matter if time before I managed to sneak Robbie Williams into the CD player but lucky for some I brought the wrong CD and we were nearly home.
We ate Kraft Dinner for tea, with some aged cheese melted in it from St Mary's, it's weird because I am so picky but not with Kraft Dinner. Tonight we are having sweet potato and maple bean burritos for dinner, one of my faves for the last time for a while, till I get back from the tour I guess.
Oh and the snow is gone in Toronto.
I don't understand, it just came! it made me cold and my toes froze and now it has melted.
Four Seasons in One Day (written about Melbourne by Neil Finn) should be lent to Toronto I think.
3 more days till I fly out, oooh did I remember to tell the airline I am a vegetarian?
Current Music: Still Guarding space on repeat, Anja Garbarek
Current Mood: Frantic & Lazy