Thursday, February 02, 2006

What The Hell Is Wrong With Us?

The other night I went to see a documentary in Toronto called "The End of Suburbia" and it got my head spinning about the future of our planet.

What is going to happen when we run out of oil?
Reality now people! There will come a time when it will happen and that time will be soon if we keep using the resources we have as fast as we are today. We all know the real reason that George Dubbiyah sent troops to Iraq, so why aren't more people out there shit scared? I know I am.

So I ask myself;
are there enough people out there who care about the planet and our future to do something about this?

A recent vegetarian (just over 1.5 years) I have been slowly investigating how we really treat the planet and have been trying to change the way I live and do things so I don't take/use more than I need. Eventually I would like to be a sustainable individual, growing and making as much as I can and teaching what I know to others. I am re learning how to use books to write in, instead of the computer, learning how to make my own paper to make my own books, looking into natural therapies and re using, recycling as much as possible and so many other things.

Some questions for you;

How many things are using electricity in your house right now? Do you need more than one light on?
Do you know where your eggs come from and how the hens who lay them really live?
Do you really know what is going on in Iraq? I am the first to admit that I don't know as much as I would like but here are a few good places to start to educate yourself about what's going on around you;
sleeping with the devil

Look out! I think something has switched on in my brain.

Current Music: danny michel & mia doi todd
Current Food: plum & walnut yogurt
Current Obsession: self education