Anjuli and I played at Ladyfest in Lansing on Sat.
Bit of a shame that everyone was at the "NAZI" rally in town.
Can you effin believe that? I couldn't stop thinking about that on stage
while we were playing and trying to smile on "down this road".
The idea that people use their civil liberties to give speeches on hate
and racism boggles my mind no end even though I know everyone has a right to their opinion and beliefs. Oh and just to top it off they are apparently a traveling group touring all over the US to promote their hatred, Oh Joy.
I feel like I have been a bit protected coming from Melbourne, but who knows maybe my next door neighbour in Richmond was a Nazi, you just never know.
Lansing is a weird place.
We ate at this Carribbean/Mexican restaurant with the most awful but hilarious karaoke on tv that you have ever witnessed with shiny yellow jumpsuits and all.
Anjuli was laughing so hard she nearly couldn't go inside. You see we peeked inside to see if it was safe first. It was right next to a hair diner. What the hell?!?
But it is so unfair. In Rochester MI they have the coolest stores including Trader Joe's and Whole Foods which is much better than the Toronto lame ass Whole Foods that pretends to be a healthy store but sells the same junk as a normal supermarket but jacks up the price.
Lynda and I stocked up and spent a blissful hour gaping at all the cool things.
You see, I recently went to the naturopath and it seems that I have a crappy dairy allergy of sorts so I have had to cut back my dairy, I am nearly vegan and there isn't much for me to eat here in Toronto. No good vegan cheeses here but at Trader Joe's!
I would like to be vegan or close to it anyway so I guess these are the first steps.