We played a lovely show to a small but appreciative crowd at Lorenzo's in Enderby BC tonight. Just when I thought BC couldn't get any beautiful we drove into Enderby. Earlier todday Dana played a set at the Kelowna Regatta which pretty much sucked, the event, not Dana's set!
We played the day before and it was just horrible. They had a student on sound and they massacred our set. Also I just don't think most people "got us", oh well it happens.
If you're ever in Enderby you must check out Lorenzo's. Top class food as well as a bowling alley out the back, it's a real unique place. We were also lucky enough to be graced by what some called the "Broke Ass Phil Collins" singing one more night with the wasted Dana & Tyler. A sight to be hold I tell you, I also have video footage that I hope to get up on the site at some point.
I bought some artwork by a local artist depicting Paris and went to sleep with a belly full of Lorne's secret chocolate pudding that has been passed down many generations.
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