In a little town called DuncanNice show last night, pity there weren't many people.Thanks though to Longevity John who made our stay memorable with all of his weird toys and 12 dogs!
This was the first show with Jo from England and the returning Anne sitting in on a few shows on cello until Emily arrives with her violin.
Chant played insane drums on The Pyjama Song and Kris Demeanor played his little handy casio on Spank Me Man. I also got to spank Kris for a good minute after his requesting in the spanking solo to which my hands hurt for hours. Man does he have a hard ass! Got me all worked up.
Chant played a new one "Who threw the gouda on the track" which nearly had me pissing in me dacks and Kris also played my new favourite "I have seen the future" aka the tennis song which is the lazy moi calls it.
They were all in fine, mad form as per usual and it was lovely to see them again. After the show Anne & I watched zoolander with Chant, Di, Peter & Kris in their slightly less superior motel room (we had a fridge and kitchen) while eating their crackers and cherries. Peter took some silly photos of Anne, Chant & Kris and he also tried to sell me some dodgy land as I was slightly drunk and vulnerable. Kris suggested taking even more advantage of me but no one was game. Never mess with a drunk Australian woman!!!
Went to sleep sore from carrying all of those bags from earlier in the day. This afternoon we will meet Dana, Tyler and Mick and our future home "Ol Dirty Bastard", on the road for the start of our 2 month tour of milk bag pricking and musical mayhem.
Current Music: Robbie Williams - Misunderstood
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